



  • Volume: much larger amounts of data stored
  • Velocity: much higher rates of insertions
  • Variety: many types of data, beyond relational data


  • DB engine systems need that
    • very high scalability
    • support non-relation data
    • sacrifice ACID properties for high scalability

Replication and Consistency

  • Availability
  • Consisitency
  • Neteork partitions

Storage Systems

Distributed file systems

Hadoop File System Architecture

  • Single Namespace for entire cluster
  • Files are broken up into blocks (Typical 64MB) and replicated
  • Finds location of blocks from NameNode ->Accesses data directly from DataNode
  • Distributed file systems good for millions of large files
    • but have very high overheads and poor performance with billions of smaller tuples


Sharding across multiple databases

  • scales well, easy to implement
  • Not transparent, When a database is overloaded, moving part of its load out is not easy

Key-value storage systems

Parallel and distributed databases

MapReduce Paradigm

  • map(k,v) -> list(k1,v1)
  • reduce(k1, list(v1)) -> v2 47b49ea1bcdd22f6df668b9ba4878e87.png
  • Inspired from map and reduce operations commonly used in functional programming languages like Lisp
  • Relational operations (select, project, join, aggregation, etc) can be expressed using Map Reduce
  • SQL queries can be translated into Map Reduce infrastructure for exectuion
    • Apache Hive SQL, Apache Pig Latin, Microsoft SCOPE

Algebraic Operations

  • natively support algebraic operations such as joins, aggregation,etc natively.
  • Allow users to create their own algebraic operators
  • Support trees of algebraic operators that can be executed on multiple nodes in parallel
    • Apache Tez, Spark



  • Windowing

  • Continuous queries

  • Algebraic operators on streams 1b5b683517b06c8aebaf4229ee4fdc12.png

  • Pattern matching

    • Complex Event Processing (CEP) systems
    • Microsoft StreamInsight, Flink CEP, Oracle Event Processing

Lambda architecture

  • Easy to implement and widely used
  • But often leads to duplication of querying effort, once on streaming system and once in database


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最后更新于 Oct 24, 2022 22:59 +0800